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This website is a showcase for a landscape project, I am working on. Looking at land use in the UK and Europe, particularly the role of national parks.

With issues such as Climate Change and Brexit, our country is having to consider/re-evaluate land management and its consequences. This coincides with a growing recognition that we live in an age where human activity is now the major influence on the global environment, often referred to as the Anthropocene. The Coronavirus-19 demonstrates that.

Using drones, I am producing images that closely examine the landscape in order to draw attention to how places we perceive as natural are actually un-natural.

The project itself is definitely in it’s infancy and should be seen as ‘work in progress’. Check back to see how it evolves.

‘A Visually jarring reminder that our national parks are characterized by the same harsh geometries we see in our cityscapes ‘
Dr Alex Lees – Lecturer in Tropical Ecology, Division of Biology & Conservation Ecology, School of Science & the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University.
The British landscape is uniquely man-altered and this aerial perspective not only confirms this, it is a most engaging and important photographic project from an aesthetic point of view
Professor Paul Hill MBE, FRPS, DFine Art, DArts, Author: White Peak Dark Peak. Approaching Photography


Martin Shakeshaft M.A. – Visual Journalist / Photographer / Lecturer.

Since studying Documentary Photography at Newport College of Art in 1985, Martin has worked as a freelance photojournalist and lecturer.

Clients have included, BBC; Channel 4 Television; Dispatches; S4C; The Economist; The Daily Mirror; The Independent; Newsweek Magazine and many others. A selection of his work is housed in the National Museum of Wales’s permanent collection.

Martin is a Senior lecturer in Photography and Video at De Montfort University in Leicester. He is also a CAA certified commercial drone pilot. Other work can be seen at

“For some minutes Alice stood without speaking, looking out in all directions over the country – and a most curious country it was. There were a number of tiny little brooks running straight across it from side to side, and the ground between was divided up into squares by a number of little green hedges, that reached from brook to brook. ‘I declare it’s marked out just like a large chessboard!’ Alice said at last.”
Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll

Zine & Print Sales

Zine – Available from 9th July

A 36 page Zine,
featuring work from the project.
£ 7.50 inc postage.


I have had a few people contact me about print sales.
The images are available to order:
* A3 Archival Giclee on Lustre paper £150
* A2 Archival Giclee on Lustre paper £200
These are unmounted, delivered in a roll.
For more details contact me, details are below.

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